8/21 UPDATE – Last night Fort Collins City Council officially approved both of these measures! We will keep you updated on next steps, which will include additional community input opportunities.

We want to keep you all up to date as we move towards a Fort Collins bike park.  Many steps in this process, and they don’t always move at the same pace or as quickly as many of us hope.  But, the city did just complete an important step…

 On Tuesday, July 16th, Fort Collins City Council approved the first reading to appropriate $70,000 for a bike park feasibility study.  This would allow staff to begin evaluating things such as possible locations, potential amenities & features to be included, construction costs & ongoing operational costs.  Much of this will come through a bike park-specific community engagement process.  This funding request will need to pass a second reading & vote by council currently scheduled for August 20th.  Council designated this as a priority project, and we are happy to see it moving forward.  You are always welcome to contact your local council member to express your support for this project.

Concurrently, the city will begin a separate community engagement process specific to the former Hughes Stadium property through a new civic assembly process which would start in 2025.  Interested community members would be chosen through an application process to serve on a panel.  The panel would hear from stakeholders and the community about what they would like to see on the site.  Panel members would be chosen randomly to create a group that is representative of our community.  The panel would then make final recommendations to city council based on a 70% super-majority vote, with council making the final decision.

While both groups will work separately on their respective studies, there will also be communications between the two as the topics intersect.  We know many of you would be very interested in serving on this panel, so we will continue to provide updates as to when the panel application process begins.