It’s a day when all Coloradans come together to do good.  Colorado Gives Day has evolved into the biggest 24-hour giving movement in the state, bringing in over $415 million since its inception in 2010. Each year, the people of Colorado unite with a shared common purpose: to elevate their community and neighbors by fueling the efforts of nonprofits that make a meaningful change. 


Last year our generous and loyal supporters donated just shy of $7,800 on Colorado Gives Day.

We’d like to DOUBLE that this year!  A lofty goal? YES.  But we have a lot to do next year, and we’re confident our mission aligns with what’s important to you.

Current Areas of Focus for 2024:

  1. Build easily accessible, family friendly bike parks in Fort Collins
  2. Connect in-town paved pathways to off-road singletracks trails in our natural areas and open spaces
  3. Increase the number of intermediate trails, which 80% of trails users enjoy the most!
  4. Continue Cameron Peak fire recovery efforts helping US Forest Service rebuild trails

Click on our Colorado Gives Day page to read more about our giving campaigns and make a donation.

It only take a little to make a BIG impact, but you can elevate your donation several ways

  1. Make a NEW recurring monthly donation and Colorado Gives Foundation will MATCH your second months donation up to $100!
  2. If we have the biggest year-over-year growth we could win a $5000 bonus donation!
  3. If we raise the most during power hours of 7am, 10am, 4pm, 7pm, and 10pm, we could win a $2000 bonus!
  4. If we raise the most regionally, we could win a $1000 prize!
  5. Share that you gave to @overlandmtb during #ColoradoGivesDay on your Facebook or Instagram, and challenge your followers to do the same!

Ready to help us reach our $15,000 goal?  Click here to get us there!

Thanks to early giving donations we’re 11% of the way to that ambitious goal, and can’t wait to see the mountain bike community come together to do something great!  Thanks to everyone who has donated to Overland over the years to move trails forward in Northern Colorado.  We’re counting on you to help make 2024 our best year yet!